Welcome to the 1st issue of the ICAD Newsletter for 2023. As part of the new batch of the International Church Adult Department officers, we are also excited to work hand in hand with you in expanding and growing our ministry.

There are many things that we can look forward to this year. Expect the greater things that will unfold in our time. One of these is the 50th anniversary of the PMCC (4th Watch). This is the golden year of the end-time church. Throughout the past years, we have seen the mighty things that God has done for his people. From our humble beginnings , we have expanded and grown by leaps and bounds. We belong to an overcoming church that stood the test of time and weathered storms and trials. Thanks to the leadership of the Goodman of the House, Apostle Arsenio Tan Ferriol, the Church is in a state of grandeur and prominence, all to the glory of God.

As we move forward to our golden anniversary, we must carry on the apostolic seal that is in us. In our celebration, there must be a continued commitment to excel in our apostolic partnership. We will be part of this milestone. We will see history unravel. But as we wave our banners of victory, may our hearts and minds be filled with gratitude and a spirit of servitude. Let this golden anniversary be a reminder of God’s goodness and a springboard for us to do greater service knowing that our Lord is coming soon.

There are many ways wherein we can show our apostolic partnership. As missionaries, we are called to evangelize and to save those who are lost. And God has made everything possible in our time as we are living witnesses of His saving grace. Through the Home Free Global Crusades, we set a record number of baptisms and conversions that we have never seen before. Young people and adults alike are entering the full-time ministry in response to the growing need of missionaries in our time. We are part of these breakthroughs. Each time we go and tell people about our Lord and extend our invitation, we are enlarging our missionary outreach. Every adult watcher is a missionary. In every local church, our immediate community is our mission field. Let us go out and be bold in witnessing for the Lord!

Another way we can manifest our apostolic partnership is through our generosity. Amidst the pandemic, the Church of Christ in the 4th Watch is reminiscent of the Macedonian churches in the Bible, as an increasing number of individuals are giving generously to support the work of God. Through our faithful and generous giving, we are able to empower and fulfill the growing needs of His mission. And with the anointed leadership and guidance of the Apostle, the church has utilized its resources to build more houses of worship and advance the true gospel in our time.

Indeed, there are many ways on how we can show our apostolic partnership. While we are reaching regions beyond, let us continue to be in one mind, one spirit and one action with the Apostle and the church leadership. When we grow in our evangelistic endeavors, generous giving and prayer, we will reach the mark of excellence that we are pursuing. Our 50th church anniversary is fast approaching, may our works and service to God be in line with its stature. Moreover, as Christ is coming soon in our time and with the Goodman of the House leading us, let us give our steadfast support. Let us march together as one until we reach perfection and as we await that glorious day. Maranatha! Happy Rapture!


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